Becoming Jacob Book

Becoming Jacob is a story about how God answered my prayer for a Father in a mighty way. After meeting my best friend on the school bus, we became inseparably. Learn how a conversation on the bus turned my life around.

“I loved this true story of how God’s hand was at work throughout a little boy’s life. His journey through childhood, although filled with struggles and uncertainty, was beautifully illustrated with how God was at work each step of the way.”

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Yahuah is Calling You

My mother was the product of a broken home.  She had two parents that followed the way of Esau.

Esau, in the biblical narrative, was the rightful heir to his father’s fortune.  He was not interested in his father’s ways.  He trampled on his linage by being willing to sell out his birthright over some food.

Jacob was about His father’s Business and adopted the ways of his father and his grandfather Abraham.

My mom had two parents that only cared about themselves and what made them happy.  They were like Esau.

Their divorce was like a large rock thrown into a perfectly still pond. After the splash settled out the effects of the divorce rippled across my family, affecting multiple generations.

That stopped with me.

I have been married to the same woman for twenty nine years and we have raised three  amazing Bible believing, God fearing children that walk in His ways.

Through many helpers along the way Yahuah has helped me turn my lineage from a line of Esau’s to Jacob’s.

I prayed every night that God would send me a Godly Father.

He did.

Not only did He send me one, He sent me three.

Carl Chafin, Grandpa.
Alvin Moudy, Foster Dad.
Alan Craig, Father In Law.

These three men taught me how to be a Jacob.


We all have a choice. We can choose to be like Jacob and choose the ways of our heavenly father or be like Esau and choose our own path.

This is a story of a young man growing up in a dysfunctional home. About a boy (me) that cries out to Yah and longs for an earthly father to help show him how to be a man.

This is a story like your family. We are all called to Yah. He pursues us by using the people around us. We can listen and obey or turn and run. My family had both Jacob and Esau examples to follow. I had a choice and fortunately I have chosen the path of Jacob. Won’t you join me?

All Must Be Born Again

There are no natural born citizens of Yahuah’ s kingdom, all must be of the second birth or born again. Yah is calling us out of Babylon and into His Kingdom. A Kingdom that is run by Him and not man.

Becoming Jacob is a story of answered prayers. Stay connected to see how I overcame the obstacles of coming from a broken home: being fatherless, orphaned and homeless. During it all the one thing that sustained me was the power of prayer and the belief that Yah would send me a father.

If you know of a podcast or YouTube channel that would be interested in interviewing me about the book please tag us and share it with them.

Send an email to:

Interview by Walk Like a Hebrew
Audio of Matt and Keely telling their Faith Story as a couple
Moudy Session 1
Moudy Session 4

Growing Up Fatherless
Jake of Sabbath Lounge Interviews Matt.
Moudy Session 2
Moudy Session 5

Becoming Jacob Part I

How my life is a Jacob and Esau story.

Moudy Session 3

My Grandfather was like Esau

Becoming Jacob Part III

My Esau Grandfather sold out for the “g” god of modern science.

Becoming Jacob VI

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