What I am reading?

The book that started it all. I was teaching in the public school in 2014 when an fellow teacher told me he had left church and had starting following Torah. I was intrigued and asked him to tell me more. He let me borrow a copy of his Lost in Translation book by John Klein, Adam Spears, and Michael Christopher. I was blown away and the rest is history….

The Writing of God

Miles Jones, PH.D

The Real Mount Sinai is found in Saudi Arabia. See this book for a well written, and well documented proof text of the Exodus account. Read the book to see what has been hidden from us.

Miles Jones, Writing of God

Remember The Sabbath

David Wilber

Matt’s new book is being published soon with Debraim Publishing. Stay tuned for more information.

Becoming Jacob!

Sabbath Tunes

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